Natural Origins blog

The 8 advantages of BtoB natural ingredients e-commerce platforms

Written by Emilie Leconte | September 25, 2018

Already well established in BtoC, e-commerce is on the verge of becoming the leading purchase channel in BtoB. Why such enthusiasm? What are the advantages of a BtoB e-commerce platform? We’ll tell you more with the example of the Natural Origins natural ingredients e-platform.


1. An over view of the catalogue

An array of natural botanical ingredients references, many specificities, various types of packaging...these factors often make searching through a raw materials catalogue more complicated. This is optimised as much as possible via a BtoB e-commerce website! The Natural Origins natural ingredients e-platform allows you, for example, to see at a glance the ingredient offered and its benefits and moreover out of a wide range of organic products (nearly 50% of products offered).


2. Quick, intuitive search

The main aim of a BtoB e-commerce platform is also to simplify searching for products. For this, the Natural Origins natural ingredients e-platform includes a number of filters to narrow down product selection. This feature allows choosing the sought after range of products or drawing inspiration from a selection based on health benefits.




3. A comprehensive source of information

As with BtoC, an online BtoB sales website provides extensive information on all products. In the case of the natural ingredients e-platform, it’s possible to find technical data sheets and all data relating to the quality of the products. This transparent approach guarantees quality, security and traceability!


4. Constant accessibility

Of course, one of the main advantages of a BtoB e-commerce platform is its 24 hours a day, 7 days a week accessibility. With a natural ingredients e-platform, it’s possible to obtain a maximum amount of information without calling on the customer service. This means more freedom to benefit from permanent access to information while on the move, while freeing yourself from the response times that often delay developments.


5. Support made easier

But whoever says BtoB online sales website in no way suggests the loss of customer service. In fact, At Natural Origins, the e-platform complements and facilitates sales support. It quickly finetunes the need for natural ingredients, identifies the best reference and considers a tailor-made development, if needed. At the same time, requests for free samples can be made online.


6. Tailor-made offers

Contrary to certain preconceived ideas, a BtoB e-commerce platform does not contradict personalised support. In fact, it is possible to combine a natural ingredients e-platform with tailor-made offers. This is what Natural Origins offers thanks to the “Botanical Studio”, a team of experts available to sourcing and devising innovative ingredients!


7. Simplified sourcing

As mentioned in this article on several occasions, a natural ingredients e-commerce platform greatly facilitates the selection process. It simplifies the purchase process notably by providing access to product availability in stocks and to the delivery lead time in real time. Each connected user benefits from a saved profile for one click orders.


8. Exclusive special offers

Finally, in addition to the many good reasons to use a BtoB webshop, numerous e-commerce platforms give you opportunities to make savings. This is the case with the Natural Origins e-platform that offers deals on new natural ingredients every month!


Would you like to check out all these advantages? Why not put our Natural Origins natural ingredients e-commerce platform to the test.



  • Study Xerfi. La transformation digitale de la distribution (The digital distribution transformation). 20/12/2017.
  • Study Next Content/Crédoc for the Fevad. Transition numérique & Commerce BtoB (Digital transition & BtoB Commerce). 19/10/2015.