Natural Origins commits to the 17 UN sustainable development goals

Author: CSR team
Published On:
February 22, 2024

On 25 September 2015, the UN drew up a 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by 193 countries. This defines the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030 in order to eradicate poverty and inequality, protect the planet and ensure universal prosperity.

Through local initiatives, exemplary projects and inspiring models, companies can take action to transform our world while ensuring its ecological and solidarity-based transition.

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Here's how Natural Origins, a company with an eco-responsible and ethical approach since its creation, is making its contribution and committing itself to these 17 SDGs:


1. No poverty


Natural Origins makes donations for the children of the employees of the Senegalese red/white hibiscus cooperative: shoes, balls and soccer outfits. We also donate clothes to European charities.


2. "Zero" hunger


In terms of access to basic needs, we distribute fruit and vegetables to Chinese beekeepers (Premium royal jelly) and offer them a health check-up.


3. Good health and well-being


To promote solidarity in the health field, Natural Origins gives employees the opportunity to donate blood during their working hours if they wish and we organise workshops with nursing home residents run by our employees, focusing on the 5 senses. 7 people make up our dedicated internal CSR team to promote well-being in the workplace and we organise sports sessions and first aid training.


4. Quality education


Playful workshop with local schools: participation in tree planting at our Soyons site. To raise awareness of the environment, a fun and educational workshop on the main principles of global warming has been created using the "Climate Mural". We encourage access to higher education, in particular by sponsoring a student in Vietnam.


5. Gender equality


To ensure that our employees are protected, our code of conduct includes a special phone number where harassment and discrimination can be reported anonymously.


6. Clean water and sanitation


The installation of water treatment by electrolysis in our botanical extraction plant is contributing to the reduction of our water consumption, as is the recycling of water from cooling pumps.


7. Affordable and clean energy


Solar panels have been installed on our new buildings to enable the production and self-consumption of green energy. The reduction in electricity consumption in our factories has resulted in the replacement of neon lights with LED bulbs.


8. Decent work and economic growth


Natural Origins creates and develops virtuous supply chains by setting up Fair for Life supply chains, which guarantee decent working conditions and pay. We also improve the working conditions of our partners, for example by donating protective gloves and knives to a Senegalese women's cooperative producing sweet oranges. 


9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure


We have built a 435 m² environmentally-friendly wooden building, with a structure on stilts to avoid sealing the soil. We are committed to green innovation through our active research into eco-extraction, a process that reduces the use of solvents as well as the temperature and duration of the extraction of our botanicals.


10. Reduced inequalities


We carry out collaborative missions with disabled workers in active cooperation with a local employment and assistance centre. Our repeated donations to war refugees also demonstrate our solidarity.


11. Sustainable cities and communities


We promote new ways of travelling by introducing a 'sustainable mobility' package.


12. Responsible consumption and production


We are working to reduce the use of chemicals by using organic cleaning products in production. We recycle our organic waste in our botanical extraction plant (spent grain) through composting.


13. Climate action


With a view to reducing our carbon footprint, we have an in-house person dedicated to greenhouse gas emissions, carbon and the sustainability of resources. With regard to reforestation, we have commissioned a French start-up to plant a mini forest on our production site.


14. Life below water


Natural Origins’ industrial activity has no impact on the aquatic environment.


15. Life on land


Natural Origins is planting green spaces: we have created a botanical garden near our factory. We have also set up a partnership with two French beekeepers who contribute to respecting biodiversity.


16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


Natural Origins’ industrial activity does not impact these factors.


17. Partnerships for the goals


Pre-payment of contracts for ¼ world supply chains, multi-year contracts with our supply chain partners, commitment by our suppliers to comply with our purchasing charter.



Click to download the infographic:

17 UN SDGs Natural Origins


Teas & Herbal Infusions, Food & Beverage, Life Science & Nutrition, Spirits & Beers

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