Plant raw materials produced in France: what is the seasonal nature?

Published On:
November 28, 2019

The issues of seasonality are real and valid for all plants in all countries.

Respecting the seasons and the harvest periods are priorities for Natural Origins in view of ensuring top quality raw materials from an organoleptic and a nutritional standpoint. Learn more about Natural Origins' expertise and the seasonal nature of ingredients.

The seasonal nature of raw materials produced in France


We provide solutions to get around these constraints in collaboration with French producers without disturbing the cycles of nature while guaranteeing you French origin botanical ingredients throughout the year.


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Enhance the know-how of French producers


Over the past years, the « Made in France » concept has become a real trend. This trend has a certain appeal and implies responsible consumption. This manner of consuming follows the seasons and increasingly ensures consumers of product freshness.

This consumption pattern supports the local economy and preserves the planet by reducing transportation and thus the carbon footprint. At a time when the ecology and the environment are priorities for consumers,  Natural Origins accompanies responsible consumption and is committed to working with French producers whenever possible.

We have chosen to collaborate with French partners for emblematic and essential plants such as lemon balm, echinacea or mint.

We have a strong commitment over the past years with these producers and we have developed a trusting relationship. We count on their know-how and their expertise in soil management and we are the relay to add value to their work.


Dealing with the problems related to the seasons: team work...


In order to illustrate to what extent communicating with our partners in essential when dealing with the issue of seasonality, let’s take the example of lemon balm and mint, which reflect our partnerships with French producers.


  • A flagship botanical ingredient in the food supplement sector: lemon balm is a bit particular since it has 2 harvests a year: first in the spring and the second at the end of the summer. As weather conditions are different between these 2 periods, each harvest offers different principle actives and thus a different positioning of the plant. It is important to keep a close watch and to regularly take samples up to the point of obtaining a representative product by titration to qualify the batch.

  • Mint is also a highly regarded nutraceutical plant for its organoleptic properties. Large stocks are thus required throughout the year. We have set up contracts with our supply chains who commit to quantities and who allow us to anticipate our needs for the year. Based on this trusting relationship with our local producers, we can dedicate extra plots to a client to guarantee sought after quantities. The client has the possibility of choosing a field or a region in France where the raw materials come from.

As such, these strong commitments and this proximity with French producers makes us more reactive with greater flexibility to anticipate constraints linked to the seasonal nature of plant raw materials while guaranteeing you the botanical ingredients you need throughout the year.


Discover our plant raw materials on our e-platform!

Made in France, a model for the future

Teas & Herbal Infusions, Food & Beverage, Life Science & Nutrition

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Nadine Bromberger

Nadine Bromberger

Purchasing Manager

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