The number of athletes has grown considerably over the past years and cultivating performance is increasingly important.
Sports are a core concern for consumers and sports nutrition is keeping up with this real trend. This booming sports nutrition world market should reach 44 billion US$ by 2021 according to Allied market research [1]. In France, this market represented 110 million euros in 2016 with an expected 43% growth by 2021 [2].
Nutraceutical industry professionals must keep pace and constantly propose new products but the question is also how to save time in designing the products of tomorrow.
And what if the solution was a turnkey formulation...
Investing in this strong growth potential market is exceedingly interesting but developing a new sports nutrition product requires time and resources.
Formulating a sports nutrition product is fundamentally different than other nutrition products because athletes are demanding and concerned with their life hygiene and are attentive to the quality of their diet. They therefore seek an efficient product in line with their ever-changing lifestyle. The product must be pleasant to consume but must also be high performance, practical and healthy: all these constraints to be added to the list of those already inherent in developing a conventional nutrition product.
By delegating the designing up until placing the product on the market, you save time and resources. In addition, this will give rise to new know-how leading to new development and improvement paths.
The turnkey manufacturer accompanies you, putting his/her expertise at your disposal, his/her knowledge of raw material and formulations in order to help you QUICKLY develop a product that suits you in due respect with your time schedule and at a pre-negotiated price.
The turnkey manufacturer will manage the entire supply chain: the choice of ingredients, product formulation, marketing efforts and setting up logistics.
To respond more specifically to requirements for developing a product for athletes, a turnkey formulation includes:
This comprehensive service (from the preparation of the specifications to delivering the product with the specified performances) will ensure high reactivity and the necessary expertise for the development of innovative and quality products without you having to worry about the different stages of product development.
To learn more about turnkey sports nutrition formulations, contact our experts at Botanical Studio®
President & Partner Natural Origins
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