The “Duo de l’Hermitage” race: high-performance athletes boosted by our sports nutrition drinks

Published On:
May 28, 2024
Published In:
Life Science & Nutrition

“We start with 2, we finish with 2”! Such could be the motto of the Duo de l'Hermitage. Here's an overview of this sporting event.


The Duo de l'Hermitage with Natural Origins


Natural Origins Lifestyle is proud to present the 12th edition of the Duo de l’Hermitage held on May 18 and 19 in the Drôme region of France. This sporting event took place in the middle of the vineyards, on the hills above the pretty village of Tain l'Hermitage. The trail offered five runs, ranging from 10 to 42 kms with 350 and 1000m positive altitude, and also included a two-day challenge.


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Over 1,600 participants took part in this annual sporting event.


Natural Origins Lifestyle: drinks for champions


As the event's nutrition partner, Naturals Origins Lifestyle was able to showcase its ProPulse drink. To help runners through the refreshment points, provide them with natural electrolytes, coolness and hydration, our team supplied them with ProPulse throughout the race.




ProPulse and Boabab Workout: nutritional benefits and natural pleasure


As a gift with their race bibs, runners had the opportunity to discover our two sports nutrition drinks: 


  • ProPulse, an isotonic drink with ginseng and acerola, for extreme hydration.




  • Baobab Workout, a recovery drink made with baobab, banana and mango, to be consumed during or after exercise.




Vitamins and minerals derived from fruit, to optimise the performance of runners during their high-intensity efforts!

These powdered drinks are easy to reconstitute and come in pre-measured sachets, so you can take them with you wherever you go. What's more, they're low in sugar, additive-free and nutritionally rich, so they meet athletes' taste and health expectations.


A winning duo in partnership with Natural Origins


Our DUO ambassadors, Alexia Coudray and Florian Olivier were back at this legendary race! And their performances matched the competition, particularly on the trails of the Challenge Cimalp, which took place over two days and covered distances of between 15 and 25km. Congratulations to our two champions, who got 2nd place with a superb time of 2 hours 16 minutes for 25km!




We'd like to thank the organisers of the Duo de l'Hermitage for inviting us to this not-to-be-missed event in the region, where the atmosphere was fantastic!


Congratulations again to our runner friends!



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Life Science & Nutrition

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Chloé Blanchard

Chloé Blanchard

Life Science & Nutrition Product Manager

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