How to ensure the quality of organic ingredients?

Published On:
March 19, 2019


With a catalogue including more than 60% of organic botanical ingredients, Natural Origins is an organic supply chain specialist. The team ensures the compliance with regulatory provisions on a daily basis, but goes well beyond this by setting up enhanced control and by being involved in the field. Full particulars in this article.

Auditing behind the organic supply chain


Sourcing is a key step for ensuring the quality of organic ingredients. Before pursuing any collaboration with a producer, the Natural Origins team asks for proof of organic certification.

This documentary check has 2 objectives:

  • To check that the organic ingredient complies with organic farming quality criteria and to ensure that the operator is subject to regular controls by a certifying body. Documentary checks are just the first step in organic ingredients sourcing at Natural Origins.
  • The teams then analyse the sample and the first batch of ingredients to check compliance with organic farming specifications.

It is likewise important to mention the work carried out in the field: observation of growing conditions and meeting the different stakeholders...


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Systematic analysis of batches of organic ingredients


Auditing of the source provides good proof of the quality of the organic botanical ingredients, which are also controlled annually or on a random basis by certifying bodies.

We all do however know that  random events can occur in a supply chain which can impact the quality of certain batches of raw material. These oftentimes ad hoc quality differences can remain unnoticed during the certifying bodies’ checks.
To guarantee consistent and impeccable quality, Natural Origins has decided to carry out systematic analyses of the batches of organic ingredients. In plain terms, each batch is controlled by an independent laboratory recognised for its expertise and finesse of its results. Natural Origins demands a wide span analysis of not fewer than 600 pesticides.

If the results do not conform with organic farming specifications, the batches are discontinued and not sold.

Regular monitoring in the field to ensure the quality of organic ingredients


Ensuring impeccable quality in the organic supply chain requires being constantly involved in the field. Field trips confirm the implementation of good growing practices.

As a part of the ongoing drive for improvement it is possible to work hand in hand with producers to optimise certain steps or to provide solutions to problems. Field trips also provide an opportunity to maintain a relationship of trust with supply chain partners.

Mutual trust is the key in organic ingredients procurement supply chains. All stakeholders must be involved in each link of the supply chain to guarantee compliance with the rigorous standards of organic farming.

The Natural Origins team is strongly involved in view of offering top quality organic botanical ingredients. The team is currently anticipating the new organic regulation which will take effect on 1 January 2021.


Download our ebook on organic ingredients to know more.



  • European regulation 834/2007 of the Council of 28 June 2007. EU Official Journal – L-189 of 20 July 2007.
  • European regulation 889/2008 of the Commission of 5 September 2008. EU Offical journal L-250 of 18 September 2008.

Teas & Herbal Infusions, Food & Beverage, Life Science & Nutrition

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Nadine Bromberger

Nadine Bromberger

Purchasing Manager

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